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Direct Booking

Best Price Guarantee
We always guarantee the best price through our website with 5% direct booking discount

Schlafen und Tagen
Wir bieten Ihnen alles unter einem Dach!
Ein gemütliches Bett, einen hellen Tagungsraum, vielfältige Kaffeepausen und ein köstliches Speisenangebot

Easy Check-In
Online with our digital registration form, do the paperwork before you arrive

No credit card guarantee required
When booking our hotel direct rate, no deposit and no credit card guarantee is required

Tagungsraum Bielefeld Brenner Hotel

Meeting rooms

With 2 conference rooms and different combinations, the Brenner Hotel offers the perfect setting for meetings with 2 - 60 people in Bielefeld 

Bielefeld Tagung Event Brenner Hotel

Meeting packages

Our conference packages include all services for a classic event. We would be happy to coordinate your individual requirements with you.

Your individual package

We will prepare your individual package

that fit your needs.

You are welcome to contact us using the contact form,

by email at

or by phone on 0521 299 90


Your personalized program

The team of our cooperation partner "Teamgeist" will be happy to advise you on the right team event during or after a successful meeting. Indoor or outdoor, summer or winter - we would be happy to organise your individual program for you.

Team spirit Ostwestfalen Lippe GmbH

Reumontstrasse 56
33102 Paderborn, Germany
Tel: 05251 2023539

Logo Brenner Hotel
Logo BrennBar Bielefeld

Tel:  0521/299 90 |  Email:

Brenner Hotel GmbH & Co. KG

Otto-Brenner-Strasse 135 -  33607 Bielefeld

©  2020  Brenner Hotel 


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