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Direct Booking

Your 5%


Best Price Guarantee
We always guarantee the best price through our website with 5% direct booking discount

Free cancellation of your booking up to 6 p.m. on the day of arrival*, as well as quick rebooking and changing of dates

Easy Check-In
Online with our digital registration form, do the paperwork before you arrive

No credit card guarantee required
When booking our hotel direct rate, no deposit and no credit card guarantee is required

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Restaurant BrennBar

The BrennBar in the Brenner Hotel offers a very special highlight.

Delicacies from the hot stone! You roast your favorite meat on a 360 degree hot stone in a cozy atmosphere. Warm hospitality is the top priority in our family-run restaurant! The informal atmosphere with modern german cuisine offers something for every taste.

Meeting and Events
in Bielefeld

At the Brenner Hotel we offer you the right setting for every occasion. Company events, seminars, conferences, training courses and much more can be held in our bright rooms. We support you with the latest technology and a gastronomic all-round supply. Choose exactly the event you want from our conference packages and the various breaks!

The Brenner Hotel

The Brenner Hotel is a family-run hotel on the suburbs of Bielefeld. We sleep, celebrate, chat, drink and dine! Thanks to the excellent connections to the motorways A2 and A33, as well as public transport, you can reach all the surrounding cities, as well as the city center of Bielefeld in short time. We offer 66 modern rooms with shower, toilet, TV, generous beds and much more. In our three different room categories, there is something for everyone! You can park your car free of charge in our hotel's own car park. We offer an e-charging station for e-cars and bicycles. We welcome you for breakfast and dinner in our restaurant BrennBar. Our highlight, is the steak on the „hot stone”. We offer many seasonal delicacies and classics such as burgers, schnitzels or our BrennBar pan. We are also enthusiastic organizers of conferences and events. We will put together your event according to your wishes. See you soon at the Brenner Hotel in Bielefeld!

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Logo BrennBar Bielefeld

Tel:  0521/299 90 |  Email:

Brenner Hotel GmbH & Co. KG

Otto-Brenner-Strasse 135 -  33607 Bielefeld

©  2020  Brenner Hotel 


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